Saturday, February 22, 2025

Is Midi Read Sequencing A Thing?

Throughout the two pieces on Roche SBX sequencing I sprinkled the term “midi read sequencing”.  Here I’m going to explore in more detail this concept.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Roche Ripple Predictions

In the prior piece, I covered the technical details unveiled by Roche for their SBX technology, but generally tried to avoid predicting its effects on the marketplace.  Here I put on the pundit’s hat.  The TL;DR is this is a major new sequencing platform and if you’re at one the competitors you have about a year before it fully hits the market - though in reality the action has already started as Roche starts grabbing hearts-and-minds.  What can we anticipate about the effect on each of the current players? As noted in the prior piece, some key aspects - in particular purchase price and run cost - aren’t being disclosed by Roche and complicate prognostication.  

Roche Xpounds on New Sequencing Technology

Bar bets can be a powerful force in human society.  One of the best known books on the planet, The Guinness Book of World Records, originated from the need to equitably settle wagers.  Many entries in that tome are questions of immense scale - the largest this or heaviest that.  Shortly before this posted, Roche unveiled a sequencing technology that per its inventors may be the result of such a bar bet: how large a dangling bit can you stick on a nucleotide and still have it incorporated by a polymerase.