Dogs are amazing products of human selection. Size, color, shapes of various body parts, and even behaviors are distinctive to particular breeds. The size range of adult dogs exceeds that of any other mammal, as wonderfully illustrated by the
cover of Science, as the issue announces the IGF1 locus as the major determinant of size in dogs.
This paper also illustrates how science can be a bit slow to get off the ground. About 15 years ago I heard a seminar from the senior author of this paper discussing the great promise of dog genetics to shed light on important medical and biological questions. In the meantime, there really haven't been much in the way of splashy dog genetics papers, though the community has been slowly building up a cache of tools. I think it is a reasonable expectation that this paper will be the head end of a series of papers unleashing the promise of the field.
After all, consider my diminutive assistant.
Many other domesticated animals have a large number of interesting breeds, but never quite as varied as dogs. Dogs were simply bred for more roles than cats, pigs, horses, cows or rabbits -- leading the selection of a wider variety of traits.
Yes, dog genomics promises to dig out some interesting biology, to fetch new insights into the genetics of morphology and behavior. When it comes to the secrets of the mammalian genome, we must not let sleeping dogs lie.
Such an excellent (bioinformatic) post. I'm lloking at my dog right now.
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