Wednesday, October 09, 2024

MiSeq Makeover

MiSeq is the the oldest instrument in Illumina's lineup, first unveiled back in 2011.  MiSeq's launch stole much of the thunder from the Ion Torrent PGM at the time.  Illumina brought out other instruments to push the lower boundary of their line: MiniSeq came in 2016 and iSeq 100 in 2018 - but MiSeq remained the most popular instrument of that batch.  It has a warm place in my heart; at Starbase we contracted out many MiSeq runs since the necessary batch size was often very appropriate for us.  In the meantime, various other instruments came and went - HiSeq originally launched about the same time as MiSeq and later there was HiSeq X, and in that time period we've seen Ion PGM be replaced by Ion Proton, PacBio cycle through multiple models, and 454 abandon the market and  - as well as fizzles such as Genapsys.  But today Illumina announced a new instrument family under the MiSeq moniker - and the iSeq 100 moniker - called the MiSeq i100, which harmonizes the low end of their line with the higher end.