Friday, October 09, 2009

Bad blog! Bad, bad, bad blog!

Thanks to Dan Koboldt from Mass Genomics, I've discovered that another blog (the Oregon Personal Injury Law Blog had copied my breast cancer genome piece. Actually, it appears that since it started this summer it may have copied every one of my posts here at Omics! Omics! without any attribution or apparent linking back. I've left a comment (which is moderated) protesting this.

curiously, the author of this blog (I assume it has one) doesn't seem to have left any identifying information or contact info, so for the moment the comments section is my only way of communicating. Perhaps this is some sort of wierd RSS-driven bug; that's the only charitable explanation I can contemplate. But it is strange -- most of these have no possible link to personal injury -- or can PNAS sue me for complaining about their RSS feed?

We'll see if the author fixes this, or at least replies with something along the lines of "head down, ears flat & tail between the legs".

Just to double-check the RSS hypothesis, I'm actually going to explicitly sign this one -- Keith Robison from Omics! Omics!.


  1. It's a standard scraper blog. Not sure there's a whole lot you can do, except start putting the link back to your blog at the bottom of your posts in the RSS feed.

  2. It's coming from here: (see "blog" link on top bar)

    Good luck!
